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Returns the snapshot information of a table for querying previous versions of your data. For more information, see AT.


FUSE_SNAPSHOT('<database_name>', '<table_name>')


CREATE TABLE mytable(a int, b int) CLUSTER BY(a+1);

INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(1,1),(3,3);
INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(2,2),(5,5);
INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(4,4);

SELECT * FROM FUSE_SNAPSHOT('default','mytable');

| snapshot_id | snapshot_location | format_version | previous_snapshot_id | segment_count | block_count | row_count | bytes_uncompressed | bytes_compressed | timestamp |
| dd98266f968f4817b470255592d04fda | 670655/670675/_ss/dd98266f968f4817b470255592d04fda_v1.json | 1 | \N | 1 | 1 | 2 | 16 | 290 | 2022-09-07 01:58:55.204997 |
| 2f2d004ff6f842cdb25f5631b2bbb703 | 670655/670675/_ss/2f2d004ff6f842cdb25f5631b2bbb703_v1.json | 1 | dd98266f968f4817b470255592d04fda | 2 | 2 | 4 | 32 | 580 | 2022-09-07 01:59:09.742999 |
| 0aa6dfd5d5364bde80f21161ba48c96e | 670655/670675/_ss/0aa6dfd5d5364bde80f21161ba48c96e_v1.json | 1 | 2f2d004ff6f842cdb25f5631b2bbb703 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 40 | 862 | 2022-09-07 01:59:16.858454 |